Thursday 18 June 2015

The things I love about Tavistock by Thomas (Hedgehog Class)

I love Mrs Sloss when she is in the library and I like the apparatus out in the playground.I also love the food we eat and the water that we drink and the friends I play with at playtime. I love the things we learn about and the teachers we have are fun and nice.  I love Year R's three new classes and the tennis we have on Fridays and the swims we have on a Thursday.I love the fun Summer Fairs we have. I love when we do numeracy because I can do times now and I can write.


  1. You can do Times and your writing is amazing!

  2. I am pleased to hear you love so much about Tavistock!


Thank you very much for your entry to the 100 Word Challenge - Tavistock Infant School